Get FREE Online Courses at Ivy League Schools NOW During the Pandemic Lockdown!
Hello everyone, it’s been a long time since I’ve had a chance to write a new blog post on here – 3 years in fact! The Covid-19 pandemic has the entire world in lock down as I write this, so what better time to catch up on some writing and education! First off, I hope you are all staying healthy and safe and I wish you all the very best during this difficult time.
If you’re like me, you’re currently not working but you’re the kind of person that needs to stay active, keep busy and keep that business mind sharp and well oiled. This is a perfect opportunity to look in to free courses and I found a GREAT resource offering free MOOCs from Ivy league schools like Harvard and many other prestigious institutions such as Duke University and Johns Hopkins. There’s even a Dinosaur course! If you want to just jump right in to the goods, you can find a complete list of available courses WITH A CERTIFICATE being offered for free for a limited time at
Let me explain what these courses are and how they work.

Let’s get the obvious question out of the way: What the heck is a MOOC?
MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course and is simply an online course that anyone can enroll in from around the world, and it typically features reading material, videos, assignments, and tests. They are also typically interactive, with community forums and will have peer graded assignments with students and professors.
The MOOC curriculum also tends to be very flexible, with no particular start date and it’s broken down in to weekly segments lasting anywhere from a month or more.
If you would like more detailed information about what a MOOC is or how they started, check out the Wiki page HERE for more information.
The awesome folks at are offering 85 of these MOOCs including a certificate if you pass, for absolutely nothing.

I personally signed up for 4 different courses and don’t worry about that price tag you see when you first sign up. When you get to the checkout page, it will automatically discount the course of the price at the final step and you will at NO POINT need a credit card, Paypal or any other form of payment.
Sign up and “pay” for each course and you will immediately be able to login, view your courses and start the MOOC(s) you signed up for. I broke down my day in to 1 hour blocks for each course, each day of the week. The pacing is very easy with about 5 to 6 hours needed per week per course and you are reminded when assignments are due or end of week quizzes must be completed.
This is the perfect opportunity to hone your current skills or learn a new one and build up your personal development for the challenges ahead. Ready to learn? You can get the complete list of course and sign up by clicking HERE!
Take care folks, see you on the other side of these unprecedented times, which will be over soon enough.