Top 10 AdSense Tricks To Boost Your Commission

Top 10 AdSense Tricks To Boost Your Commission

This is an article I received via the Sitepro Newsletter that I thought was a great read, especially with folks that are new to the world of advertising with Adsense. The beauty of this article is that you can also apply all these concepts to other text based ad vendors, like Yahoo, Bannerboxes etc. Enjoy!

Google AdSense – – is fast becoming the preferred way for people to earn an income online. Forget eBay and multiple affïliate programs. Whether you are a work-at-home mom trying to make a little extra cäsh or an Internet entrepreneur with hundreds of monetized websites, AdSense is truly the easiest way to earn money.

Simply sign up for a free account, grab your ad code and paste it in your site. But here’s the amazing thing – no matter how much monëy AdSense is making for you right now, a few simple tweaks can increase that amount considerably. And I should know, after learning about these tricks, I more than doubled my AdSense commissions!

The self-proclaimed AdSense gurus and experts are sharing this insider knowledge, for a fee.

Editorial Note: Some of the website AdSense examples provided below by the author may have changed since the article was written.

You can learn all these secrets from them, as long as you buy their e-book, sign up for their seminar or purchase their newsletter. But I’m going to share all their AdSense tricks for free. Here they are:

1) Color code your ads to match your web site palette *exactly*. Don’t use frames around your ads. Instead, in the AdSense code generation interface, make sure you choose the same color as your page background for the ad frame and the ad background.

When choosing the ad heading colors, match them to the *exact* color of your page headings. Use the exact same ad background shade as your page background. Use the exact same ad text font and color as the text on your pages. You can see an example of this color-matching on my Search Engine Advice Blog – notice the 4 link ad unit at the top and the skyscraper text ad unit on the left hand side under the heading Ads by Google as you scroll down the page? The link and text colors are identical to the color palette used throughout the rest of the page.

Near enough is NOT good enough. If you can’t quite get the color matching right, use Google’s built in color palette together with the RGB to HEX or vice versa color converter on this page – That handy little tool was a life saver for me.

This is probably the one single tweak that made the most difference to my commission levels.

2) Try not to use the traditional horizontal banner style or leaderboard image ads because people are blind to them.

3) Use Google’s own AdSense optimization tips and visual heat map to assist you in deciding where on your page to place your AdSense ad code.

4) Research competitive keywords using a keyword research tool such as Keyword Discovery or grab a list of the most popular keywords from various sources and use them in your web site pages where relevant. This article – – is a good source of frequently searched keywords. Targeting popular keywords should trigger AdSense ads on your pages that utilize those keywords. The more popular the keyword or phrase, the higher AdWords advertisers are generally willing to pay-per-click for it so the higher your commission on those clicks.

5) Incorporate the AdSense code into your page so that the ads look like a regular part of your site. You can see an example on this Internet Dating Stories site – – where link ads are incorporated within the regular left hand navigation of the site under the heading “Sponsor Links”.

6) Use Google’s new 4 and 5 link ad units wherever possible. They seem to have a much higher Click-Through-Rate (CTR) than regular ad styles. You can view all the AdSense ad formats at

7) Place arrows or images next to your ads to draw attention to them. You can see two different versions on this search engine article library page – – at the top (where a pointing hand directs your eye to the ad) and the bottom where 3 images draw your attention to each of the three AdSense ads.

8) Use the full allowance of multiple AdSense ads on each of your pages – 3 regular AdSense ads, plus 1 link unit. Use careful placement of these ads so they blend into your site and don’t distract from your content. Clever use of this allowance can be seen on this page about bad Internet dating stories – – where you see:

1 horizontal 4 link ad unit towards the top of the page under the first paragraph.
1 vertical skyscraper text ad unit about halfway down the left hand side under “Sponsor Links”.
1 vertical skyscraper image ad unit down the left hand side under “Sponsor Links”.
1 horizontal text banner unit at the bottom of the page with images above each ad to draw attention to them.

You can also include 1 AdSense referral button in addition to the 3 other units.

9) Tailor your page content to a particular niche or focus. Page content that is tailored towards a specific theme is more likely to trigger AdWords ads that closely match the content and are therefore more likely to interest your visitors and inspire them to clíck.

Don’t create pages merely for the sake of placing AdSense ads. Visitors (and search engines) can see through this ruse in an instänt.

10) Use custom Ad Channels for each of your ad placements, for example, “Top 5 Link Unit Blue Palette” or “Left Side Navigation Image Skyscraper” etc. Tweak, track and measure the success of each of these custom channels so you know what gives you the highest CTR. Some ad formats and colors will work better than others, but you won’t know which until you test, test and test some more!

About The Author
Article by Kalena Jordan, one of the first search engine optimization experts in Australia, who is well known and respected in the industry, particularly in the U.S. As well as running her own SEO business, Kalena manages Search Engine College – an online training institution offering instructor-led short courses and downloadable self-study courses in Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing subjects.

Server Fun Throughout the P2L Network

Server Fun Throughout the P2L Network

Hello everyone! I would like to extend my apologies to everyone for all the bumps and bruises you may have acquired during our server migration that we’ve been working on for the last few weeks. Basically the dedicated Dual Xeon box that hosts and the my other sites was starting to peak during peak traffic hours and slowing to a crawl. We also had some frontpage exposure on Digg (Both P2L and my blog had separate mentions) that brought the site down to it’s knees and eventually everything was non-functional.

To take action on this, it was decided that a second dedicated box was required to help lighten the load, so another dual Xeon box was brought in but then we ran into issues setting up a vlan for the two machines and that had to be scraped. ThePlanet did a bit of tap dancing and finally Ty and I got pretty fed up and we started applying some pressure for something that would work. Low and behold, ThePlanet was just about to introduce some seriously kick ass new hardware and as it turns out, some perfect gear for what I needed. They have some awesome new quad CPU boxes (Dual Core Dual Opterons) that would out perform the proposed solution of running 2 dual Xeon boxes, plus I would get to run 64-bit Apache!

So, the changes were made this weekend, but we had some stability issues while compiling and some other road blocks that led to a bit of downtime that led to several hundred emails to Jay and I. As of now, the server has been stable for about 32 hours, so it looks like we managed to get the wrinkles ironed out and all of P2L network sites are up and running. At this moment, images may seem to load a bit slow because Keepalive is off while we ensure everything else is running well, but we plan to re-enable it tonight.

That’s about it for server drama and hopefully we’ve cleared all the major hurdles until we need to upgrade again 😉


Writing an Effective Tutorial That Gets Accepted to Pixel2life and Other Tutorial Portals

Writing an Effective Tutorial That Gets Accepted to Pixel2life and Other Tutorial Portals

One of the the most popular complaints I get from the webmail forms from P2L come from disgruntled webmasters demanding to know why their tutorials were not accepted into the index, especially considering how great their tutorial was. *tongue in cheek*

Teach Intro

Well, 99% of the time it’s simply because they didn’t follow instructions or use some fairly common sense and joined the ranks of the hundred or so tutorials I decline every day. In an effort to help clear up these issues and perhaps offer some insight, I have put together this simple article to help you be a better writer, and create tutorials that will almost always be accepted and welcomed at or any other tutorial search portal you happen to use.

Define Your Purpose

One of the biggest mistakes you can possibly make is creating a tutorial with the mindset that it will be a quick traffic fix to help increase your traffic or increase your ad revenue. If you write a tutorial with these goals as your primary objective, not only will it likely NOT get accepted, but it will be tremendously obvious that you had no intention of teaching anything when you wrote it. People who write for traffic generally recycle the same content, rush through the tutorial, and basically commit every tutorial error I can think of. If you’re not looking to actually teach something and help people learn, don’t waste your time or ours.

A quality tutorial requires planning and hours of work… if you wrote a tutorial in 10 minutes, then I can guarantee you that it’s useless no matter what your buddies tell you. Now, let’s have a reality check shall we?

Are You Qualified?

Just because you can open up Photoshop and draw a square or scanlines doesn’t mean that you should be teaching a single thing, so you have to be honest with yourself and decide if you’re fit to share your knowledge. It’s shocking how many errors, poor technique and completely incorrect methodology some people bring to users simply because they lack experience and skills. If you create images with text that are all jagged because you don’t know what anti-aliasing is, then you have absolutely no business teaching anyone how to use a graphics program. Yes, I’ve actually seen tutorials where the entire thing was completely ugly because the author didn’t know how to use anti-aliasing on text.

Let me put it to you another way: If the extent of your knowledge of a particular subject goes only as far as the tutorials you’ve read and more or less memorized, you shouldn’t be writing tutorials or teaching because you don’t know how to use the program… you only know how to follow instructions. Just because I can copy/paste the coding from a PHP tutorial that shows me how to create a user hit counter, it doesn’t mean that I am a PHP programmer. It simply means I know how to copy and paste text into webpages, thus I am completely unqualified to teach PHP.

So, be honest with yourself before trying to teach other people… you could end up teaching them something counter-productive.

Are You Serious?

If you’re serious about writing your own tutorials and teaching people, then it should show in your materials. A serious painter uses quality paints, not Crayola Washable Bathtub Paint and as a teacher and author, you should be the same. You should have your own website and domain with all your content hosted in the same place. Having a website hosted on a free forum site with all your images hosted on Photobucket is completely unprofessional and just piles you into the pile of the thousands of other tutorial sites that come and go on a daily basis. Not only that, but these free image and web hosting services all have certain limits, and getting a tutorial on P2L will quickly reach those limits and your tutorial will no longer function. (as well as many other portals) does not accept tutorials that contain images hosted on any domain other than the domain of the tutorial itself or if the tutorial is an image that is directly linked to a free image hosting service like Photobucket or Imageshack.

If you’re not able to spend $5 a month for hosting, you’re not ready to publish online on your own yet. You can certainly write for other sites and they welcome your work, but don’t run your own gig unless you can host it properly.

Choose Your Topic

For the love of God, WE KNOW HOW TO MAKE SCANLINES! If a tutorial for a particular subject has already been created, modified and improved upon by 20 websites, there’s no need for you to do it too. Write an original tutorial, and not only will it be accepted wherever you submit it, but you’ll also get TONS of traffic because it’s new and unique. People love to see new concepts, so don’t get caught recycling the same old stuff.

So when you’re getting ready to write something, ask yourself these questions:

1. Has it been done to death?
2. Is it useful?
3. Do I know enough about this subject to teach it?
4. Am I patient enough to document this properly?

If you’re satisfied that your topic will be successful after answering these questions honestly, then you’re ready to get started. You can find a complete list of tutorials P2L does not accept HERE.

Preparing Your Content

Before you start to write your tutorial, you need to prepare your source material and content for the lesson. Some of you are very young writers, and while it’s great to see so many bright young people out there, youthful tendencies can sometimes get the better of this group. Remember that people of all kinds of race, religion and gender will be reading these tutorials, so keep your content appropriate. A woman in a thong should not be ANYWHERE in your tutorial… how would you like it if women started writing tutorials featuring men in g-strings plastered all over it and they zoomed in to their crotch area to show you how to correct a nasty ingrown hair near their “unit” with the clone tool? So keep the bikini babes, tasteless jokes etc… at home. I once saw a great tutorial on how to create bruises and cuts. It was very well written and the effects were pretty realistic and looked good. The problem? The author used a photo of a 6 year old! As a parent, I was appalled to see a picture of a beaten up child, even if it was done digitally and not only did the tutorial get declined, but the author got a nasty email from me and I was pretty much ready to ban their site from P2L.

If you’re going to write a tutorial based on graphics, go through the entire lesson of the tutorial and take screen shots of every step and make sure you document everything if you don’t have it memorized. My graphic tutorials tend to be pretty huge, so I take notes for each screenshot so I can remember what I was capturing in the first place. Be sure to re-size your screenshots, or create thumbnails that a user can click on to see the full image. You should also optimize your images and cut out only what you need. Don’t post a 1600 x 1200 pixel screenshot to show us what filter you clicked on!

If this is a coding tutorial, you should have a fully tested and working version of the lesson and not just some code you typed out that “should work”. It boggles my mind when I see tutorials on PHP and the comments area for the tutorial is filled with people complaining about issues with the script or folks pointing out coding errors on something that was obviously not tested.

You should always have a live final result sample ready for the tutorial, be it a Flash SWF file, a link to a script or a down-loadable project file. Many people, myself included, learn from tearing live samples apart and seeing what makes them tick.


Write to Teach, Not to Guide Lemmings

Step 1. Go here
Step 2. Click this
Step 3. Draw a Circle
Step 4. You’re done!

What did you just learn? Absolutely nothing because you had zero explanation of the steps… you’ve been a victim of a tutorial fit for a Lemming.

Plan each step of your tutorial and explain everything in as much detail as you can by providing examples, screenshots, code snippets etc. and be sure to discuss variations if applicable. This means that if you are writing a tutorial on Javascript, you should be explaining what each line of code or command does and how it’s used. A two word comment within the code is useless and you’re not teaching anything. The idea is that you want people to understand what they are typing so they can apply it under different circumstances. Now that’s teaching! If you simply spew out the code, the student simply learns that it does *something* to make the script work, but they have no understanding of what it’s doing to make it work.

The same goes for a Photoshop lesson. Don’t just say click this, click that, click here and drag this… you’re teaching a big fat sweet nothing! Explain what the tools are and what they do so that they can create their own artwork with these principals and not just follow you like sheep. You can’t just shrug off details by saying “Well, I assume they have a basic understanding of Photoshop”. If they did, why would they need your tutorial on how to create a square with a gradient?

Grammar, Spelling and Structure

Your tutorials should be as professional as you can manage and if you’re going through the effort of writing one properly, why wouldn’t you do something as simple as spell checking it? Paste your entire tutorial into Microsoft Word or some other spell checker and verify that your spelling and grammar won’t make a dictionary collapse in tears or helpless laughter. Leave the l33t speak for your buddies on the forums, because it makes you look like you’re 12 when it’s in a tutorial and spare us the swear words, unless you’re writing a bad word filter in PHP. You can certainly have humor, but you can be funny without swearing… just ask Jerry Seinfeld.

Your tutorial should also have some form of basic formal structure, similar to a book report or a school paper. You should have an introduction that discusses the general purpose of the tutorial, how long the process takes, the software used etc. I can’t believe how many tutorials I see that require me to read halfway through just to get a clue of what I’m supposed to be trying to accomplish. Next should be the body of your tutorial, with each step well documented with references and images where necessary. As a rule of thumb, it’s better to have more steps and images than needed rather than not enough. Once that’s all done, your tutorial should have a conclusion that can talk about variations of what was just learned, how to advance on the lesson, and any other final shots. And finally, you should have some footnotes and links to final examples, live samples and additional references as applicable.

Once your tutorial is all done and ready to go, do a final spellcheck and then have it proof read by at least 2 people. Make sure they read it slowly and have them mention anything that doesn’t read well or is somehow confusing.

Submitting Your Tutorial

Your tutorial is done and published on your site, now it’s time to submit it to and any other tutorial portals that you know and love! You know your tutorial is awesome and you’ve spent hours and hours on it, so this is the last place that you should rush through and shoot yourself in the foot. And it happens… A LOT! The following statements are based on the P2L submission process and it’s criteria and may vary for other tutorial sites.

1. Avatars

If an avatar is required for a specific category, it’s because this is a category that users generally use the icons as a way of getting a glimpse of what the tutorial’s end result will be. So this means that if your avatar sucks and is irrelevant, then your tutorial may bomb. In fact, if you submit an avatar for a Photoshop tutorial to P2L that has nothing to do with the tutorial itself (Let’s say the avatar is simply your site’s logo), it will be declined on the spot.

2. Tutorial Title

If you spent all this time on your tutorial, why on earth would you write a 2 word description when submitting? If you care about your tutorial, then you should care enough to submit it properly, so describe it properly! Try and use the maximum space allowable in the submission form and remember that the more keywords you put in the description, the better your chances the tutorial will come up when someone is searching for something.

3. URLs

For some reason, a lot of people have problems submitting URLs that work. Before you click the submit button, make sure your URLs are correct and that you have them in the right fields on the form. It always cracks me up when people have the title of the tutorial submitted as the tutorial’s web link.

You can check out the official FAQ on submitting tutorials to Pixel2life HERE.

Thanks and I hope you found this article useful and helps you to not only write more effective tutorials, but that you’re able to further increase your website’s popularity and reputation as a source of quality information.


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Tutorial List Updated and a General Update

Tutorial List Updated and a General Update

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to drop a quick note and let you guys know that I have started to update other areas of the blog and I’ve been working on some new projects, including our Hammer Update, which I’m excited to say is back on track after some would-be delays decided to pop up for Jay and would have stalled development. It took a week, but it looks like the green light is back on.

I’ve updated the Complete Tutorial List area of the blog so you can easily see a compilation of all my original articles and tutorials for various subjects, and I can assure you that you will continue to see many more this summer.

Other than that, things have been going well and I look forward to hounding suppliers and corporations for prizes this year for our summer prize giveaway contests. Let the begging begin! If you or an organization you know would be interested in supplying us with donated product to be featured as prizes (You will get MEGA traffic exposure as a contest sponsor), give me a buzz and we can hammer out the details.

That’s it for now, see you next post!
