The Numbers are IN! We Have Success!

The Numbers are IN! We Have Success!

After a lot of sweating and swearing, we’ve had time to track our stats for the last couple of days since our coding and server tweaks and updates, and the numbers are pretty clear:

Load Graph

You can see the highest peak is lunchtime (12PM – 2PM approx) Nov-11 and that was more or less the reflection of the high loads we were getting on the box. Later that night, you can see it dropped when we began the initial tweaks to the Apache configuration and we added additional caching to the site. As you can see on the 12th to 15th, load was still high, but it was already better. You can see the 9 hours of downtime when the load was pretty much dead from the eAccelerator pooch job. Then on the night of the 15th we did additional tweaks to the search system and upgraded Apache and PHP and the scores dropped again by a huge margin. You can see the peaks for the 16th and 17th are much lower than previous days.

Below the chart you can see the current load averages, which are right on the money with our target goal.

So congrats to Elvio, Nick and Jamie on a job well done!

Battle of the Evil Server Goblin… There can Only be ONE!

Battle of the Evil Server Goblin… There can Only be ONE!

I refuse to concede defeat against the evil server goblin that has been stalking me around cyberspace, using my server as a cudgel aimed directly at my un-offending (keep the guffaws to a minimum) skull. That green little bastard is GOING DOWN!

What green server goblin you ask? THIS ONE:

Server Goblin

What’s that you say? It’s merely a Photoshopped (Photopainted actually) photo of my daughter’s latest McD’s Happy Meal toy? NONSENSE! What you are looking at is a 100% pure mean green server piss off machine, and it’s out to get me.

All I have to say is thank God for my brother-in-law Elvio (owner of and probably one of the smartest, no-nonsense grep-heads you could ever meet), and for the quick turn around times from the P2L coding talents of Nick and Jamie.

Here’s the latest scoop on what’s been happening… I left Server Seed awhile back due to another disappearing act and I have been through a rather spectacular list of service providers looking for someone to simply give me what Server Seed had in terms of performance, but with some degree to available support when things go wrong. Well up until recently, it seems like I just can’t get those two together in a single package unless I want to bend over and let Media Temple be my daddy. (MT has great shared hosting prices, but their true dedicated hardware pricing is nothing short of laughable). My latest setup is a box I purchases directly with Softlayer and I bought some management from a third-party provider.

Since then, I am getting great service, but loads on the box are VERY high compared to what I’m used to and performance, in my opinion, sucks. So I’ve been chasing this new management company about it and I’m basically getting nowhere. In a recent request, I asked that SSL be disabled along with imap and some other ports/services I didn’t need and were open for nothing. I won’t get too deep into the response, but I was told that Apache would have to be recompiled in order to shut off SSL. Ummm… no.

So, I asked Elvio, master of all things Unix, to snoop around on my box and check out the settings and see what’s what… I think it was the whole Apache recompile thing to shut off SSL that had him seriously worried about what my server looked like from the inside. Well needless to say, it was a dog’s breakfast, so my tutelage in Unix command prompt began. He basically had to rebuild the config, recompiled Apache and upgraded it to version 2 (yeah, Linux 1.3 on a multicore, multiprocessor box… that wasn’t a great idea) and upgrade PHP, plus clean out a bunch of other crap. That was finally done tonight actually.

Next up was to basically study the server’s performance and resource usage… and to accomplish this, he installed an AWESOME package called Cacti. This is a freeware based network graphing solution with a sweet user interface that even I can figure out in under 5 seconds. Check it out at


By studying cacti’s reports and staring at the regular top processes and MySQL top processes, we started to identify coding related areas that could be improved to run more efficiently. Once again Elvio made some suggestions based on his analysis on the logs and Nick and Jamie went right to work kicking CPU ass! In fact, load was shaved right down by improving the caching system, combining includes into single files and tonight, Nick re-worked the Boolean search query as per Elvio’s search method and has cut down search times BIG TIME! For those of you with fast connection’s, you may remember the average search time for a tutorial was about 5 seconds or longer you were searching during a peak time. Well I’ve been search this evening with the box on an average load at results were coming back pretty much instantly!

So, things are definitely improving in terms of server performance and we hope people are enjoying the site as we look to speed things up and get the server back to being reliable and stable. That damn green goblin is GOING DOWN!

In summary, here’s what I’ve learned lately:

– Be wary of server management companies… they seem to go to pieces when things go beyond simply restart Apache.
– You don’t have to recompile Apache to disable SSL (Actually I knew this… I just can’t believe that’s what my management company tried to tell me)
– Disabling imap doesn’t affect POP (See previous note about management company)
– You don’t have to run DNS Server services to run your email properly (See previous note again)
– Top and MyTop are your friends
– Nagios is for monitoring, Cacti is for reporting (both rock)
– Multithreading is a feature added to Linux in version 2+
– Natural Boolean results already return results sorted with correct scoring… if you get query results back with 0 scores, your query is screwed. You should not have to re-sort them for correct score values. (Hey, I’m not a programmer, how the hell would I know?!)
– Elvio, Nick and Jamie are EXTREMELY patient… to the point of impossibility even.

That’s it for now guys! 1AM and I’m tired. Battling green server goblins is tough work… gnite!


Looking for Tutorial Publishers and better wait times on P2L!

Looking for Tutorial Publishers and better wait times on P2L!

Hi all,

Just wanted to share a post I just added to the P2L news area just in case any misses it:

No, we’re not looking for 3 day line-ups! What I mean to say is that I’m happy to report that with some hard work, we’ve managed to maintain a 2 to 4 day queue for tutorial approvals for about the last week and a half! I wanted to improve the time you have to wait to get your submissions looked at, so every day I have been approving tutorials for a couple of hours until I got caught up, and as of lately, by the end of the day only the last 2 days worth of submissions are waiting for approval. So I hope everyone enjoys the speedier service 🙂

Now for the publishing bit… do you like to write tutorials? P2L is looking for some folks that would be interested in beta testing the publishing/writing side of our new Publishing System. A few weeks ago we re-released the old Twodded tutorials to show you how published tutorials would look, and very soon we’re going to open up the publishing area itself to all our members. But, before we go live, we want some folks to get a taste of the new system and publish some tutorials that will test out all the kick ass functions we’ve built into this system.

So if you would like to be among the first group of publishers to beta test the writing portion of the new Publishing System, please send me a PM (Click here to send me a PM) and let me know that you are interested and what category(ies) you would like to write in. Applicants will have be prepared to do the following:

1. Write at least 1 tutorial within 1 week of being granted access to the system
2. Write the tutorial using the tools provided by the system. No copy/pasting from older tutorials and no hotlinking/public hosting etc.
3. Report any bugs
4. Use as many features as possible to test the system to the best of their ability
5. Provide screenshots and error message details to the programmers

Applicants with the following qualifications will have [b]priority consideration[/b] in being selected for beta testing:

1.You were previously a member of the P2L Twodded staff
2. You can provide samples of previous tutorials you have written

Please note, you must be a member of P2L to apply. Also, please don’t be alarmed if you apply and I do not answer you right away. I will keep a list of applicants and contact the invitees when we’re ready to test.

That’s about it for now guys, so remember to PM me if you’re interested in trying out the Publishing System!


Can’t wait to release this system to the public… Nick is doing a KICK ASS job on this!


Another Day, Another Server Change!

Another Day, Another Server Change!

Hi all,

I’ve been spending my morning tabbing between P2L and my other sites checking out how the server updates are going and I thought I’d take a second to give you guys an update on what’s happening. I decided to leave already Server4sale for a couple of reasons:

1. I just feel overall they weren’t able to deal with the constant issue of Apache locking up. Basically the server wouldn’t load any sites until someone restarted the Apache service, and this lock up would happen at least every 48 hours, although sometimes it would happen every 6 hours. This has been an issue since pretty much the first day I signed up, and a month later it was still happening. S4S tech support is lightning quick and they would quickly reset the service very quickly, but the fact that the server was so unstable and didn’t seem to be getting any better bugged the crap out of me.

2. The server underwent a couple of minor ddos attacks apparently and I didn’t like the way it was dealt with at all, plus the LayeredTech datacenter has no ddos protection on it’s network at all unless I pay additional fees for hardware protection. When I was with ThePlanet, their network had some basic protection as well as some hardware in case the ddos was significant. So I feel that between the DC and the host, they just couldn’t deal with it effectively and I was basically hanging out to dry.

I started looking around this week for a new datacenter and finally settled on SoftLayer, which has several ddos mitigation tools if required. I bought the box directly from the DC so there is no middleman, and I ended up with the same box I have now with double the RAM and a bit cheaper. Nick was able to transfer all the accounts for us and I went with a company that specializes in server management called Platinum Server Management, which monitor and maintain the server for me. So far they’ve done all the optimization and OS hardening and the server is running great! None of the initial issues I had seem to be cropping up this time around, so already that’s a great sign.

Now I just have to wait until the DNS changes kick in around the globe and see how the box runs under a full load.

That’s the deal with the servers… sorry for all the jumping around guys, I’m just trying to find a stable and solid solution I can stick with.


Pixel2life Presents the Publishing System – Phase I

Pixel2life Presents the Publishing System – Phase I

In case you missed the announcement, recently re-launched the high quality tutorials that were once published under the now defunct twodded system as the first look at our new Publishing System. We still have a lot of work to do on this, but we wanted to give folks their first look at how the published tutorials will look plus we wanted to get the tutorials back online because so many of our users were requesting them. Publishing System

The actual category browsing system for the tutorials is not yet functional, so the best way to see a full list of published tutorials is via the source site page at Included in this list is Tiago Dias’s famous Flash XML MP3 player and all the other popular tutorials that you guys were spamming me to put back online.

So what’s next? We’re now working on the actual Publishing System itself where our members will be able to write their own tutorials with full image and media hosting combined in a very sophisticated writing environment. I’ve seen bits and pieces of the interface Nick has been working on and it’s nothing short of amazing, so I’m sure you guys won’t be disappointed. We’re also going to have featured writers, ways of making some money from your tutorials and monthly prizes for top writers and contributors. We’re VERY excited about this product and I can’t wait to see what you all think of it. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to launch!

Take care!