Ten Tips for Smarter Google Searches

Ten Tips for Smarter Google Searches

Found this on Digg and thought I’d share:

Most people use Google in a very inefficient and often ineffective manner. If all you do is enter a few keywords and click the search button, you’re one of those users who don’t get as much out of Google as you could. In this article, Google expert Michael Miller shows you how to search smarter — and more effectively.

read more | digg story

Looking for a professional level 3D artist for a personal project!

Looking for a professional level 3D artist for a personal project!

Hi gang,

I am looking to employ the services of anyone that would be able to produce a very high end final product in a 3D environment. Here is an example of the kind of product I will be expecting:

If that image doesn’t display, direct link HERE.

This is for a personal project that is dedicated to a friend of mine that died quite some time ago. He wrote an AMAZING series of stories based on battletech and it starred all his friends as main characters. He was never able to complete the series and died of complications during a asthma attack before age 20. I have one of the only proofs of his story (he and I were roomates) and I have long wanted to scan in all the pieces and basically publish his work in a formal book that I will send to our old friends and his father. His father has known for a long time that I was planning to do this, and I even have a foreword from him to publish the piece.

So, I want to find a high end artist to design the cover art, which I would like to feature a group of several mechs with the proper emblems and paint schemes set on a battle field with smoking barrels and the whole nine yards. We may even discuss some artwork for inside the book depending on your skills and rates.

If you would like to apply for this, I would need you to PM me or send an email to me at info at pixel2life dot com and provide links to your portfolio, delivery turn around times and rates. No beginner artists here please, I need someone who can do this project justice, it’s very dear to me.

Thanks in advance,

Congratulations to Tiago Dias on his First Book Publication!

Congratulations to Tiago Dias on his First Book Publication!

On behalf of Pixel2life staff, I would like to congratulate one of our members on his outstanding achievement of releasing his first professionally published book! A big shoutout to Tiago Dias (aka FunkySoul) who has just released From After Effects to Flash – Poetry in Motion Graphics.

Book Cover

Book Description:

As a Flash 8 designer, you have discovered the power of the video tools in the application. The new filters and effects and ActionScript classes allow you to create a variety of stunning visual effects in Flash. What you probably haven’t discovered is how easy it is empower your video hundreds of times more by combining the many effects and tools in After Effects 7 Professional with Flash!

This book, the first to explore the potential power and creativity boost that can be unleashed when After Effects and Flash are used together, is designed to get you up to speed with working in these two applications while hitting you with some creative innovation. You will discover how effectively you can use After Effects to create video and animation effects that were either extremely difficult or impossible to achieve in Flash.

By the end of this book, you will have created a variety of projects ranging from text effects, masks, and alpha channel video to 3D effects and audio visualization. All are designed to show you the potential available to you with these two powerhouse applications, and, more importantly, to expand the arsenal of creative motion graphics tools at your disposal.

Who is Tiago?

Tiago Dias, who was an original Twodded tutorial writer and is an active Adobe Community Expert is also a P2L Premium Publisher and is currently among the group of beta testers helping us tweak the upcoming Tutorial Publishing System. His streaming Flash MP3 XML tutorial is among one of the most highly recommended tutorials on P2L and his other online publishings are nothing but truly professional. He is also active on our support forums helping many of our fellow members with follow ups on his tutorials and general questions on Flash, After Effects, and anything else Adobe related. He’s truly a class act and I can’t thank him enough for his constant contributions to this site and the community. We wish him all the success in the world, he definitely deserves it!

His new book can be purchased at the following online shops:

Amazon US
CompMan UK
Springer US
Barnes and Noble
Bookpool US

You can also order this book through local shops using ISBN 1590597486.

Congrats Tiago! We all hope you rake in the BLING!


Expecting a baby? Check out my large ticket item auction for baby items!

Expecting a baby? Check out my large ticket item auction for baby items!

Pack Logo

I’m selling a bunch of large ticket items now that my daughter is a bit older and we no longer use these items. None of these items are older than 3 years and they are all in excellent, well cared for condition. I’m looking for someone to buy these for a local pickup, but I can also ship this stuff out although it will be quite costly.

Auction link: eBay Link

Here’s what you get:

1. Plush rocking horse with sounds and music ($50 retail)
2. First Years portable high chair with detachable tray and adjustable angled seat ($35 Retail)
3. Winnie The Pooh car seat organizer ($15 Retail)
4. Bertini Bidwell Steerable Stroller ($500 Retail)
5. Disney Princess Tricycle Canopy Trike ($100 Retail)
6. Cosco Funsport Playpen and Portable Crib ($100 Retail)
7. Peg Perego Prima Pappa High Chair ($180 Retail)
8. 2 solid wood expanding baby gates with custom stair well attachments ($40 each Retail)
9. Side Guard for Twin bed ($40 Retail)
10. 2 toddler toilet lid adapters and miscellaneous toys and foam mats ($100+ Retail)

If you’re interested in this auction and have questions about the items, drop me a line via the blog or via eBay.


How to Restart cPanel from terminal SSH connection

How to Restart cPanel from terminal SSH connection

As I continue to work on my Unix skills (Never thought I’d see the day) I thought I’d share some of the quick little tricks I am learning as I go. To manually restart cPanel services from SSH, simply type the following at prompt:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/cpanel restart

Hit [enter] and you’ll see a series of OK messages pop up as the various cPanel services restart and come back online… it only takes a couple of seconds under normal circumstances.