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Category: Personal

Finally a blog/journal I can work with!

Finally a blog/journal I can work with!

Thanks to some time to finally work on projects I’ve been meaning to get to, and the coding skills of my friend Jamie Chung aka Chaos King, I’ve finally launched my official blog, or as I’ve decided to call it, my journal. I plan to use this as my base to share with those that are interested my articles, artwork, projects and general inside scoops of stuff I work on. As I am now working at my personal business ventures full-time, I am looking to re-connect with the community I serve and try to bring you the quality, plain-words insight I try to deliver to would-be webmasters and designers. I’ve got a whole whack of articles and tutorials planned, so bear with me while I try to fill this place out a bit.

Talk to you soon!

Faken goes Fulltime!

Faken goes Fulltime!

The staff knew about this some time ago, but it’s official! I have resigned from the company where I have been working for the last 6 years so that I can work on and other web projects FULL TIME! It has long been a dream of mine to run my own business, and today is the first day that it officially becomes true. I will be working very hard on new projects that Jay and I want to bring to life (It’s Hammer Time!) plus update and maintain my current sites a whole lot better. So this is it folks, time to really flex those design muscles 😉

I also want to give a huge shoutout to all the staff, affiliates, members and visitors to P2L for making this dream come true… without you guys, none of this would be happening.

Now, back to work I go before Jay starts yelling at me!
