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Author: Dan Richard

Canadian eh?
Speak Now or Forever Hold Your… Mouse? Opinions and Suggestions Wanted for P2L!

Speak Now or Forever Hold Your… Mouse? Opinions and Suggestions Wanted for P2L!

OK folks, it’s time to tell us what you like and/or what you don’t like about P2L, and what you think we’re missing and should be added. This can be anything and everything, ranging from how the tutorial search works to how the forum is run and moderated. Feel free to suggest new features or categories you think we should carry, whether you think we need more or less graphics etc… anything and everything is welcomed and it can be good or bad.

I would really appreciate your honesty here folks, so please send me whatever you got, even if it’s negative. If you wish your identity to remain anonymous, simply use the contact form at and select the applicable topic and use bogus information for the name and return email. Just remember if you use a bogus email, I won’t be able to contact you back. Otherwise, you can PM or email me directly at info (at symbol) pixel2life dot com.

Thanks in advance!

P2L loses senior staff, including lead developer Jay. Here’s the scoop.

P2L loses senior staff, including lead developer Jay. Here’s the scoop.

Well this has been a rather crazy and somewhat messy weekend in the world of P2L. Unfortunately my prediction from months ago that Jay’s college project would eventually overcome P2L in terms of his interest and priority has come true and Jay has left P2L along with several staff members that will be joining him on his project. One of our original admins, Jaymz, as well as Stu and Adam have all retired from P2L staff to work on with Jay.

There’s some drama in between all that, but it’s really a moot point and not worth dwelling on, and I wish Jay and his staff the best of luck on his new project. We all have lives to lead and decisions to make in life, so I will assume Jay is doing what’s best for him. These guys were all fantastic people to have on the P2L team and they all made massive contributions to the site and I will always appreciate that. Too bad it had to end, and they will be missed… Jay has been one of my best friends for the last couple years.

So, with that said, this has somewhat put the hammertime release on the kibosh. Luckily, the community stepped forward when they saw Jay leave and several qualified PHP programmers have now jumped into the fray with me and we hope to recover from where Jay left off on hammertime and still release it with all the kick ass goodness we had originally planned, and maybe even some extra goodies! The project is still very much behind though… in fact, it doesn’t even have a working front end yet, so the new Dev folks have pretty much an entire project to complete at this point. If you’re wondering who these guys are, I will have the honor and pleasure to introduce the team when we release the project to the public. We’re going to aim for a July 1st release, but this is more of an internal target and by no means an official release date… in fact, this time-line won’t even be announced on the P2L, so consider that an inside scoop! Who knows… we may even pull a bunny out of our hat and get the thing launched even earlier.

The twodded section of P2L is also a mess, and obviously with Jay gone, the twodded staff are a bit scattered now. Jay said that twodded was more or less dead and that he would resurrect it with his new project, so we’ll see what happens. A few twodded staffers have already announced they will no longer be writing new tutorials, but they will still be on the forums to help answer questions and chat with the rest of the community, which is awesome. These guys are very talented… So, I’m slowly sorting out that situation as we move along and figure out what’s what on the site.

So that’s about it from my end… basically I am working very hard to get the new Dev folks up to speed on everything as best I can and looking forward to the hammertime release and our summer series of contests. Hopefully I can get back to writing tutorials and articles in the coming months.

Take care everyone and I’ll be posting more scoops soon!


Don’t create the Volkswagen Logo or VW will sue you!

Don’t create the Volkswagen Logo or VW will sue you!

Well, this is a new chapter in corporate idiocy as far as I’m concerned… I would LOVE to have a job where I look for kids on the net drawing pics of some famous corporate logo and then threaten to sue them.

Here’s the story.. a couple of weeks ago, a tutorial was submitted by on how to draw the famous Volkswagen logo at P2L. It was a great tutorial and the end result was pretty realistic.

Last week, I get this letter from the Corporate folks at VW:

Dear Sirs,

my name is Stefan Krilla. I work for Volkswagen AG section Corporate Identity/Design Wolfsburg/Germany. I was surfing through the internet, when I found a tutorial link about making the Volkswagen logo on your site.

The Volkswagen logo is a registered Trademark!!! No one is allowed to replicate it! Any offence against it will result in legal effects.

Therefore you have to delete the link “Make Volkswagen Logo – Learn an easy way to make the logo” from you list. The tutorial is submitted by “Rakker Design” in section “Drawing” (05-02-2006)

I also contacted the author and told him to delete this tutorial.

Thank you for your cooperation in this case.
Best regards.

Stefan Krilla

I wrote them back telling them I had no content whatsoever on our server pertaining to this tutorial and that they were barking up the wrong tree, not to mention I thought it was pretty sad they felt the need to go after this kid for drawing their logo, which is simply fan-art as far as I’m concerned. I hate people that rip off other people’s work and try to pass it off as their own, but this is NOT that kind of situation. I’m pretty sure we all know to whom that famous VW logo belongs to.

What’s next? They start contacting people that have VW cars in their personal photos? Maybe sue Auto-trader for all the stolen stock photos people use in their ads taken from the VW website.

Anyhow, I had zero intention of removing the link, but I unfortunately received an email from the owner of the tutorial informing me that the tutorial was taken down due to legal threats from VW and asked me to take it off the P2L listing. Too bad… was looking forward to some good ol’ e-confrontations with the corporate Goliath.

Anyhow, thought that was pretty lame of VW… what are your thoughts? I know copyright and trademarks are a touchy subject, but I think this was overkill. Imagine Microsoft started going after people drawing their logos? They would get annihilated in the media.


Tutorials ported over to the blog… my hand hurts

Tutorials ported over to the blog… my hand hurts

You may be wondering why there was suddenly a flurry of tutorials posted on here, so I’m happy to report that I have finally finished porting over all my old tutorials to my blog format, fixed a couple errors and typos and have also created a tutorial summary page for a quick view of all my tutorials written by yours truly. You can check it on the complete tutorial list I created that gives a brief description of each tutorial and they are broken down into categories so that the list is a bit easier to follow. It’s actually kind of surprising to step back and see a complete list of everything I’ve written so far, which isn’t really all that much… but still, it’s about twice the amount of tutorials I thought I had under my belt.

Anyhow, some are a couple of years old and others are fairly new, so feel free to check em out and I look forward to creating some new ones this summer. For you Photoshop people that are grumbling about me using Corel Photopaint, remember that many of the principals are exactly the same, so you should be able to handle these tutorials in Photoshop without too many problems.

Now to go rest my aching hands from all that typing and image converting!


Pixelation and Mosaic Effect used on Pixel2life v1 banner in Photopaint

Pixelation and Mosaic Effect used on Pixel2life v1 banner in Photopaint

Due to popular demand, I’ve decided to create this tutorial to answer the many emails I’ve received on how to create the pixelated effect you used to see on the main banner at when we were running version 1. Now here’s the part you’re not going to like. This wasn’t done in Photoshop! (You’re thinking OH NO!!!) As a few people already know, I do not use Photoshop for anything unless I really have to, as I am a Corel Photopaint Junkie. I’ve been using Photopaint since Christ was a cowboy, so I stick with it. Luckily, Photopaint and Photoshop are so identical, I’m sure you can re-create this effect in Photoshop without much trouble. So without further delay, let’s get on with the show. By the way, this is my first official tutorial ever, so hopefully I don’t botch it up too badly. You should have at least a beginner’s knowledge of Photopaint to properly execute this tutorial, otherwise some terms may be confusing. I’ll try my best to explain each step. Here’s the effect we want

user posted image

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