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Author: Dan Richard

Canadian eh?
Rosebud Graduation Day!

Rosebud Graduation Day!

Hey guys… for those of you keeping track (lol!) Rosebud graduated from Obedience School today, completing obedience levels 1, 2 and 3 at 7 months old. We’re very proud of our little pup, she’s turned out to be a gorgeous and extremely intelligent animal and we love her to bits! Here we are on our last day:

That’s about all I have right now… Halloween has been very busy for me in the prop and costume stuff so I’m finally starting to catch up a bit on other stuff. Going to draw the winner of the iPod Shuffle tonight for our Halloween costume contest… looks like most of P2L fail at Halloween though… only a few people posted their pumpkin carvings and/or costumes. Boooooooo!

Until next time!

Happy Birthday Donna!

Happy Birthday Donna!

On behalf of everyone at, I would like to wish our dear Donna a VERY happy birthday and wish her all the best on this day and for the next 100 years!

It's hard to imagine that it has already been over 4 years since I met Donna and she became such an integral part of this community, and I think that it's important to take this special day to remind everyone just how important and appreciated Donna is as a member of this team and as a personal friend. It's easy to forget how large a part Donna is on this site because she is so efficient and autonomous that you barely hear from her… but when she's not around, you start to notice the egdes of the site begin to sag and the work pile almost immediately begins to grow.

Donna's dedication to this site in the last 4 years has been nothing short of… well… insane I suppose! She oversees the operations of the forums, she keeps the inbound submissions tidy, takes care of all the dead link reports and keeps the database clean, keeps an eye on the toplist queue for new submissions and basically keeps all of us other staff organized. It's hard to imagine how she's put up with me for so long to be perfectly honest about it.

Please join me and tip your hats and clink your glasses together and join my applause for Donna, and I look forward to working with her in v5 as we head towards new and exciting challenges and renewed vigor for the community. I think 2009 will be a blast for us and I can't imagine it being successful without Donna here to keep our heads screwed on straight and the site running smooth.

Thank you Donna so much for your dedication, patience and tolerance… I can't imagine getting P2L to succeed without you.


V5 is delayed, so we'll just give out prizes instead!

V5 is delayed, so we'll just give out prizes instead!

Hey guys… well it's become apparent that any and all expected release dates have been blown to hell and we're still months away from release as far as I can tell. It sucks because the new stuff is just too cool for words, but people are busy with school and other projects so going has been very slow. Nick is doing what he can and it's looking great, but we definitely need more time.

So while we continue to work on v5, I thought maybe we could have some contests and give out some prizes I had planned to give out with the v5 release. I can worry about new v5 prizes later, for now I'd like to have some fun. So this week I'm going to come up with a little fun contest we can all participate in… I want you to post a picture in this thread of you wearing your halloween costume OR of your halloween pumpkin carving! It's that easy… After Halloween I will randomely select 1 winner and they get a cool little iPod Shuffle decked out in P2L green!

So post your photos and good luck everyone!

For those of you reading this on my Blog, you can find the contest thread HERE!


Script for Converting Object PNGs to Black Masked Background PNGs and Blank Nib Pack for Corel Photopaint X4

Script for Converting Object PNGs to Black Masked Background PNGs and Blank Nib Pack for Corel Photopaint X4

Good evening everyone! I am now on a new PC that I just built so I can finally work on those huge 300 DPI poster images without taking 10 minutes each time I try to do something in Corel Photopaint. Along with my upgraded PC I also went ahead and updated to the latest version of CorelDraw Suite X4. I’ve updated from version 12, so I’ve missed quite a few versions over the last couple of years so I’m getting used to the new changes and features and I am trying to work out some kinks.

First off, I am VERY happy to see that X4 has FIXED the NIB problem! I can now delete and add nibs and the thumbnails aren’t all screwed up! If you’re not sure what I am talking about, you can check out some posts I’ve made on the matter here:

It’s Official – Nib Bug is Unresolved Bug in Photopaint

Corel Photopaint Nib Error Explained… and it’s still a bug in X3!

So now that they’ve got the NIB problem fixed, I should be as happy as a pig in mud right? Nope, Corel has decided to throw a new problem in to the mix. You might remember a tutorial I wrote awhile back on How to import Photoshop ABR brushes in to Corel Photopaint. In one of the steps, we talk about opening up a PNG image, and in Corel Photopaint 12, 32 bit PNGs open up as a mask on a black background. So, all you had to do was click on “Create Nib from Mask” from the Nib toolbar and you were all set. Well now, when you open a PNG in Corel Photopaint X4, the PNG loads as an unmasked object on a blank transparent background.

Now, you can create a mask of the object and add that as a Nib, but it doesn’t work properly, the Nib seems to be inverted. So, the manual process here is to create a mask from the object, change the background color to black, then merge the object with the background and then add the Nib.

Let me first say, at this point I have no idea if there is a setting in X4 so that PNGs open as a masked black background. I’ve looked on Google and found a couple of people reporting the same issue, but no solution has been found. If I find one, I’ll be sure to post it, or if you know how to set this, please click the comment button below and share the knowledge!

In the meantime, I created a quick little Corel Script (.csc) to automate the process of creating the mask and merging it to a background. I have also included a new blank .Nib pack so you can easily have an empty template to create Nib packs.

Click here to download the Script and blank Nib pack.

This script and Nib file is confirmed to work in X4, but I suspect it will work in any of the X versions as well as 11 and 12.

Here’s what the script looks like:

Simple eh? If you’ve never used scripts before, they are extremely handy and a HUGE time saver. Here’s how you load this script:

1. Unzip the file and save the .csc file somewhere handy
2. Open Corel Photopaint
3. Set the background color to black
4. Click on Windows » Dockers » Recorder
5. The Script Recorder will now open… click on the folder icon and browse to where you saved the script file you downloaded.
6. Open the PNG file
7. Press the Play button on the Recorder Docker and you’re done!

PLEASE NOTE that you must have black selected as the background color before running the script!

And this is what you will end up getting… the object on transparent background becomes a black background with a mask of the image:

Once again though, Corel has failed to allow us to create a blank Nib file from the menu, so I went ahead and deleted every Nib from the default one and saved it as a blank template for you. So if you want to create a Nib pack of just leaves for example, you can load the blank template, save it as LEAVES.NIB and start adding your Nibs!

WARNING!!! Remember to first save the blank template as something else BEFORE you start to add Nibs. Remember, when you make changes to a Nib, it’s automatically saved right on the spot, so don’t make the mistake of adding Nibs to your blank template or deleting stuff you shouldn’t. For example, let’s say you load the blank template you downloaded and add a bunch of Nibs to it, then you do a ‘save as’ and call it mynibs.nib. Well, not only do you now have Nibs in that mynibs.nib file, but if you go back to the blank Nib template, you’ll notice it now has all those Nibs too! Oops! So remember that changes to the Nibs are saved real-time, make sure you are changing the right file!!!

If you’re reading this and wondering how you’re supposed to load the blank Nib template or how to add the Nibs, please be sure to read the tutorials I wrote on how to do this:

Importing Brushes – How to import Photoshop ABR brushes in to Corel Photopaint! Learn how you can import Adobe Photoshop .ABR brush packs into Corel Photopaint and CorelDraw and use them as nibs on your brushes!

How to Load and Install Corel Photopaint NIB Brush Packs! Learn how to install NIB packs in to Corel Photopaint and learn about why working with the Nibs management is so difficult!

So let’s have a round of applause for Corel for finally fixing the Nib thumbnail problem… Bravo! Now, please fix these other 2 issues:

1. Would be nice to be able to create a new blank Nib template by clicking New in the Nib menu.

2. The 999 pixel limitation for Nibs sucks! I’ve got Photoshop brushes twice that size, but I have to reduce them to 999 pixels so I can work with them in Photopaint. Boooooo!

With that said, I am going to start working on some new packs for you guys to download, it seems the first few I made have been extremely popular. The old ones though are screwed up, they contain all kinds of different brushes, not just what the pack is supposed to be. I’ll work on cleaning those up as well as provide you guys with new pack conversions.

That’s it for now, enjoy!

UPDATE September 18, 2008

I was browsing the CorelDraw forums and I found this:

this (mis-)behavior was intruduced in Photopaint X3 SP2. Corel states this as a new Feature:


  • Transparencies are preserved and displayed correctly when opened with Corel PHOTO-PAINT. Previously, transparencies were viewed as masks.
  • Image color and alpha channel transparencies are maintained on import into CorelDRAW.

  • Unfortunately the Second point is wrong! There seams to be no way to get back the color-information in 100% Transparent areas.

    Photoshop suffers this same misbehavior since a long time (i think ever), but there is a 3rd party import/export-plugin “superPNG” correcting this and opening PNGs with a mask. Sadly this plugin doesn’t work with Photopaint (“File Format Plugins”,.8be), eaven if photoshop-filter-plugins (.8bf) do work in Photopaint.

    @Corel: It would be greatly appreciated, if there would be a way to open PNGs without loosing imageinformation. Just as in all former Corel Versions.

    So looks like this was done by Corel on purpose and there is no way to set it back to how it worked before.