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Author: Dan Richard

Canadian eh?
The AMAZING Artwork of Tiago Hoisel!

The AMAZING Artwork of Tiago Hoisel!

What exactly is the deal with everyone named Tiago having a ridiculous amount of creative talent? Officially, 100% of the Tiagos I know are AMAZING artists or designers of some sort… ok so I only know 2 guys named Tiago, but 100% is 100%. So today I want you guys to meet the awesomeness that is Tiago Hoisel.

Hugh Jackman - Wolverine by Tiago Hoisel

Tiago is a young man at 24 (he hits the quarter century mark in a couple of months) and resides in São Paulo, Brazil and is already developed some AMAZING graphical skills, producing some fairly jaw dropping caricatures and paintings. Please visit his personal site at or you can check out his CGSociety page at and bring something to clean the drool. I noticed he was recently featured on Digg, so he seems to be attracting a huge audience right now, and he deserves it. So congrats Tiago on all your current and future success, keep up the awesome work!

Enjoy all!

Need some free email newsletter templates? Check out CampaignMonitor!

Need some free email newsletter templates? Check out CampaignMonitor!

I’ve started cleaning out my rather insane list of web favorites and like I’ve done in the past I’m going to post some of the more handy ones I have that you guys might also get some use out of. The first site I would like to share features over 30 free HTML email templates at

I actually found these awhile back when I was looking at converting the P2L newsletter from plain text to a dressier HTML format. Never did end up using any for the current newsletter (which is currently on hold until v5 is launched) but hopefully we’ll have something sexy with the new version!

And for the record, Michael Bay is AWESOME!


Incoming Nergasm! Best. Case. Mod. EVER!

Incoming Nergasm! Best. Case. Mod. EVER!

I admit… I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to certain things. I love my Sci-Fi movies, I love books about dragons, I drool over Transformer CGI goodness, and from time to time, I have been known to go apesh*t over VERY cool case mods. And today I found the best case mod ever! OK, well since that Doom case I lost my mind over a few years back…

I LOVE Wall-E and I love case mods… combine the two and you get one hell of a nerdgasm! Check it all out at and let the drool flow!


I love deadlines… they just don’t love me apparently.

I love deadlines… they just don’t love me apparently.

Oh wow, look at that! April 30th has come and gone and surprise, surprise… no v5 release. Oh well, so much for deadlines! Thank God I don’t report to anyone, otherwise I’d be fired by now. V5 is not ready for release as Nick is now working full-time and can only work on the site in the evenings as he has time, so development is really not full blast at all. But I am happy to report that the last major area (The Publishing System) is almost done so now we’re down to the improved ad system and top sites and then some tidying up and we’re good to go. Honestly I have no ETA to give anymore… I wanted this done ages ago so all I can do is sit and wait. I will actually be working on all the help documentation now with the Publishing System done, so hurray I can start working on it! In the meantime, I feel that at the very least you guys deserve a full screenshot of something, so today I would like to share a screenshot of the Image and Video Collection area of the Publishing System:

So we’re getting there! Like one blog comment poster pointed out, we probably meant end of April 2010 rather than 09! 😉


P2L v5 Enters the Final Month of Development (Hopefully)! Publishing Getting a Make-Over.

P2L v5 Enters the Final Month of Development (Hopefully)! Publishing Getting a Make-Over.

Good evening everyone! I’m pretty stoked about finally delivering the v5 update to you guys, although at this point expectations must be so high that I’m getting worried that this will be as cool as you all hope. I’ve been staring at it for months and I still giggle like a school boy when I see some of these new toys Nick has put together, so it can’t be all that bad right?! As we enter the final stretch, Nick is working very hard on the Publishing System, which is getting a huge make-over.

We really feel that the Publishing System, which is the area where members can host their tutorials for free on our site, including image and attachment upload and management, is a very valuable and appreciated tool, but it needed some massaging before it was used more frequently. Well this update will be HUGE for the publishing system, with a ton of new features that will do everything short of writing the tutorials for you. We’re integrating additional image and attachment support with a better interface, AND introducing video tutorial support! We’re launching the new site with FLV support only (we’ll have a tutorial on how to convert any of your videos to FLV format before you upload) but an automated conversion system similar to YouTube will be added shortly after launch along with several other areas we’re going to be introducing.

The image interface will also be getting quite an upgrade and along with a nifty thumbnail size slider, added tag, description and search functionality, you will now be able to share image collections with all your tutorials instead of 1 collection per tutorial like the current site. The publishing system will also be closely tied in to our upcoming credit system with numerous credit earning features.

Publishing System Image Management

Another exciting feature will be the tutorial recovery system, which is inspired from Word where a document can be recovered in the event that the program crashes or exits unintentionally before you save your work. Accidentally click on a button or close your browser in the middle of typing out a tutorial? No problem, go back to the Publishing System and you can access the lost document from the recovery console in a single click, or stick to your last saved document. The editor also comes with an auto-save feature you can turn on and off as desired to further help you avoid disasters!

Publishing System Recovery Console

So that’s it for another update gang, I hope you like what you see and I think we should be able to squeeze in another update or two before launch.

Take care!