If you're a PC or Console Gamer in the USA, this is for you!
Hey guys… I was just checking out the latest free magazines in the P2L Tradepub magazine shop (This is where you can subscribe to free magazines and downloads for filling out tiny surveys to qualify) and I noticed they had a pretty cool offer for gamers, but it's restricted to residents of the USA only. I know it sucks, that means I can't even get it!
But, if you're in the US and you're a gamer, there's a new offer to get the magazine "Electronic Gaming Monthly" for FREE for one year! If you're interested, click here and fill out the small survey and your shipping info, and if you qualify you get the free magazines.
Aside from that, Nick is working very hard on the v5 coding and Jamie has started work on his SEO tweaks, as you can tell by the recent friendly URLs the forum is now using. I'm basically hoping for a July release (No, I don't know if it will be beginning or end of July, I'll be impressed with either one) so we'll see what happens. If you have any suggestions, please be sure to post them… we've actually received some AWESOME suggestions recently in the support thread that we will be implementing in the new version.
So that's it guys, be good and enjoy the free mags 😉
Oh and by the way, for you international folks, you can get a full list of mags you can qualify for by clicking here… it's basically a list of magazine offers available to US and International users. And remember, they are all free!