New quick Digg link added to tutorial records!
We've added a quick Digg button to the tutorials and we’re working on a nifty popup style sharing box that will quickly allow you too bookmark tutorials on social networks on the fly with all your favorite sites. Adam will be working on this tomorrow so we might see this up and running by Sunday night if all goes well, just keep an eye on the news for the announcement.
As for the Quick Digg link, you�ll see the little dig shovel guy icon next to the report and fave icons on each tutorial record. Click this to Digg that tutorial on the spot! Bear in mind that if you are the first person to Digg that tutorial, you will have to submit it to first to register your Digg.

The new share box will allow you to post to, Reddit, Technorati and more!
Enjoy and have a great weekend guys!