Expecting a baby? Check out my large ticket item auction for baby items!

Expecting a baby? Check out my large ticket item auction for baby items!

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I’m selling a bunch of large ticket items now that my daughter is a bit older and we no longer use these items. None of these items are older than 3 years and they are all in excellent, well cared for condition. I’m looking for someone to buy these for a local pickup, but I can also ship this stuff out although it will be quite costly.

Auction link: eBay Link

Here’s what you get:

1. Plush rocking horse with sounds and music ($50 retail)
2. First Years portable high chair with detachable tray and adjustable angled seat ($35 Retail)
3. Winnie The Pooh car seat organizer ($15 Retail)
4. Bertini Bidwell Steerable Stroller ($500 Retail)
5. Disney Princess Tricycle Canopy Trike ($100 Retail)
6. Cosco Funsport Playpen and Portable Crib ($100 Retail)
7. Peg Perego Prima Pappa High Chair ($180 Retail)
8. 2 solid wood expanding baby gates with custom stair well attachments ($40 each Retail)
9. Side Guard for Twin bed ($40 Retail)
10. 2 toddler toilet lid adapters and miscellaneous toys and foam mats ($100+ Retail)

If you’re interested in this auction and have questions about the items, drop me a line via the blog or via eBay.


3 thoughts on “Expecting a baby? Check out my large ticket item auction for baby items!

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